Posts Tagged ‘ The King of Limbs ’

I resent this blog

I am currently feeling resentful toward this blog because, for whatever reason, I feel obligated to contribute to it on a semi-regular basis (which seems to have been averaging about once-per-month), even though I don’t always want to.  I seriously have had not felt like writing about anything this past month. The thing is, blog material is not the same as creative writing material or journal material. At least not for me. I have to remember that, though unlikely, people I don’t know may actually read this. So I can’t be a total bitch like I would be if I were just venting about stupid people via email to a close friend. Plus, I feel obligated, for whatever reason, to use this blog as a sort of promotional tool, which forces me into this fake-sounding writer’s voice that I don’t like. For example, I just tried to write a blog post about the “Judas Kiss” screening at Frameline in San Francisco, and how awesome it was even though I was on the road for 12 hours in exchange for a mere 4 hours of fun. But that it was worth it. But the post was sounding all, like, fake-professional and cheesy and self-centered and it annoyed me, so I trashed it and wrote this one instead.

I also resent Radiohead’s most recent album, “The King of Limbs.” Now, this is major tragedy for me because Radiohead is my all-time favorite band and might just be the only band that has multiple songs that have moved me to a different place. Like, out-of-body experiences. Anyway. I had downloaded the album months ago when it was first released online, and listened to it several times through and have pretty much remained disappointed with it. I think it would have served better as B-sides or an EP follow-up to “In Rainbows,” as the sound isn’t much different. But then I received the $40 “box set” thingy that comes with the vinyl and the CD and the artwork (they did a similar thing for “In Rainbows” but that one went for $80). Well, the reason this one is so much cheaper is because it’s packaged super-cheap. I resent that it does not come in a sustainable case. It is wrapped in plastic. Now, I understand that the creative idea behind this was because all the artwork on the inside is printed like a newspaper. And, I know, newspapers are delivered in plastic. But everything is loose and flying around inside and I already opened it, so it’s like all torn up on one edge, and worst of all, I can’t fucking display it. Like, the “In Rainbows” box set came in a box (well, like a thick, cardboard case for vinyl), so I can put it on a shelf and prop it against the wall. I can’t prop the “TKOL” box-set! I can’t! And every time I look at it, all I can see is the edge where I didn’t rip it open quite right, so it looks all jagged, and I hate myself for opening it at all.

I also resent that playing “Hanging with Friends” on my iPhone seriously drains my phone battery.